Upcoming events
Training workshop
Lightning Reach Portal | Support Worker Monthly Training
12th March | Online
Already got a Lightning Reach support worker account?
Come along to our training session to learn how to get the most out of your account. This session is open to all support workers assisting people facing financial hardship and will cover:
Support worker access feature, including; setting up clients, understanding the dashboard, choosing and applying to support on behalf of clients
New features
Q&A, an opportunity to ask questions and share feedback
Previous events
Using digital knowledge and tools to support our communities
Thur 17 Nov | 2pm-3pm | Online
We'll be joining Lloyds Banking Group, Hyde housing group and HACT to share insights on how digital tools can help you and your customers navigate their way through these challenging times.
Panel event
Cross-sector collaboration to improve access to financial support
Mon 20 Jun | In-person
A cross-sector panel and interactive roundtable discussion on opportunities to work collaboratively to develop and streamline digital access to financial support. Co-hosted by Lambeth Council as part of Digital Leaders Week and taking place at Lambeth Town Hall.